Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Promote Your Organization or Product - Donate To Our Geocaching World Prize Swag Bag!

Okay here's the situation. We have a whole slew of really great geocaching contests we want to have on Geocaching World. This is to help get our viewers even more involved with our show. The issue is we have this big ole Swag Bag for holding all the prizes but we don't have any swag. Now that is a sad set of affairs I must say. So we are asking any companies, organizations, geocachers, etc. Who would like to donate an item to our Prize Swag Bag, in turn we will mention your company, organization or product on our Geocaching World Internet TV show. This is a very good way of getting you noticed to a whole lot of people in the Geocaching and RVing world for a very small price of a donation.

Not sure what to donate? Here are some but not limited to ideas:
Geocoins, Pathtags, GPS units, RV rentals, hiking items, hiking clothes, specialty outdoors items, RV items, camping items, geocaching swag packages, geocaches, etc.

If interested, please contact me Andy HeadHardHat Smith directly at headhardhat@gmail.com and we will make arrangements as needed.

We would greatly appreciate it and the sooner the better. These contests are going to be fantastic and all the better with your prize donations.

If you have any questions, comments or ideas please contact me at geocache@rvnn.tv

Thank You,

Keep Up With Andy HeadHardHat Smith via his websites:

Geocaching World - Internet TV Show (RVNN.TV)

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right? - HHH's Award Winning Blog

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Please don't forget to visit our GeoSnippits Geocaching Tutorial Videos Website at

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