Thursday, July 28, 2011

IT'S ALIVE!!! - The Tricaster Is Back

I was informed late last night by Creative Director Dave Dufour that the newly repaired and now revamped tricaster is finally back in the studio. W00t! The tricaster FYI is the main piece of studio equipment used to control all the cameras, audio and other aspects of putting a TV show together while it is being recorded. Basically no tricaster - no shows.

We were really going on strong with Geocaching World recording two shows a week for months. Then we did two live shows at Geowoodstock IX the largest geocaching event in the world. Then... Whamo! Dead Tricaster.

That was the beginning of July and it is the 28th today. Way too long to not be doing the live recordings everybody loves so much. That has now changed. So here is what we are going to do. It looks like Monday, August 1st, 2011 will be the next time recording date. So be sure to mark your calendars and be in our chat room at 6:30pm EST. Why you ask? We have some major surprises in-store for our fans and viewers and if you want in on the action you have to be in the chat room to "get some".

More details will be leaked as we get closer to show time.

See you on Monday!


Keep Up With Andy HeadHardHat Smith via his websites:

Geocaching World - Internet TV Show (RVNN.TV)

GeoCache: I'm NOT Obsessed... Right? - HHH's Award Winning Blog

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